Less is another text viewer, but it allows you to scroll through a file and search for information. Less是另一个文本阅读器,不过它还允许在文件中滚动浏览以及检索信息。
Scroll down to the bottom of the file to notice there are three ports for each of the bindings. 向下滚动到文件底部,会发现各个绑定对应的三个端口。
The text of the message to scroll across the screen is put into a separate HTML file which should contain the following HTML and JavaScript code 要在屏幕上滚过的消息文本放在另一个HTML文件中,这个文件应该包含以下HTML和JavaScript代码
If you're working from a console that doesn't scroll, you may want to redirect the output to a file so that you can peruse it via less or read it in a text editor. 如果您在一个控制台上工作,不要上下滚动,您可能想将输出重新指向一个文件,这样您可以通过less详细阅读或者在一个文本编辑器中阅读。
Scroll to the end of the file. 切换到文件的末尾部分。
Under Advanced Settings, scroll down to the end of the list, and uncheck Use Simple file sharing option. 在AdvancedSettings下面,切换至列表的末端,然后取消UseSimplefilesharingoption的选择。
Larger files demand a command that can help you scroll through the file text at your leisure. 较大的文件要求能帮助你检视文件文本的一个指令在你的空闲时后。
You must remember to scroll through the import file type options and select FBX as the import type. 你必须记住,通过导入文件类型选项,并作为导入类型选择的FBX滚动。
You might have to scroll to the bottom of the log file to find the information that relates to the most recent backup. 可能必须滚动到日志文件的底部,才能找到与最新的备份有关的信息。